blame your pre-frontal lobe.
Anybody read TIME magazine lately (issue date 31 may 04). if you have trouble prioritising your work say between watching shrek 2 and rushing a major essay. if you choosed watching sherk 2, like me you have pretty much undevelop pre frontal lobe. this part of the brain apparently matures the latest. it separates the child from the adults not the humans and monkeys.
so if i get my brain scan by a huge electomagnet(its really huge, no metals are found in that room and would not want to wear your metal earing there punk) probably still have more grey matter there than the rest of my brains.SO it not just hormones after all. it's this area where your brains are wired then there's white matter where the rest of your brain cells are. so the older you get the less connection the brain has but the remaining ones are very strong. if you loose them like thro' a stroke you would probably become a vegetable or less servere impairment of recent memory, inattentiveness, inability to concentrate, behavior disorders, difficulty in learning new information. hmm you might also show lack of inhibition (inappropriate social and/or sexual behavior).
Is also interesting that this region of the brain is related to happiness. Happy here means contentment like a person meditation for the one watching porn. Science still amazes me, at the moment it gives me excuses why i am acting the way i am so Its not REALLY my fault isit? visit discovery channe asia for more info