Wednesday, March 31, 2004

i need a favour, please say a prayer for me that everthing will turn out fine.

thank you.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

yup I just as I guess it, I knew it would happen. I foresee it even before it started. (focus focus)

where to go from here

Just an update. My experiments ended in failure when other previously have succeeded. It's simple preparation work yet its giving me a headed. who would thought I would have trouble with sometime that is not even catagorised as living and its sole purpose in life (if it even has one) is to replicate. BUT ITS NOT. Venting my fustrations on this page is not going to help so on to a happier note.

errr errr. there jeez happy times are hard to come by arent they? come on happy thought happy thought..... arrr went to see a movie but not the one I wanted to see but was still okay. found the popcorn too sweet for my liking (damn my so negative). had ramli burgers 3 days in a row well they were very tempting. oh I cant help it if its right on the path to the bus stop huh.

great I have no idea where this is goin. to be honest I have something to say but I m wondering should I put it down on this page. I just realise would I ever be the same again well I feel the same but I little empty inside right now. hollow feeling. yet its not depressing I cant quite describe it. Sometimes even glad, weird huh. maybe next time i'll have the gut to put it into words.

happy thoughts happy thoughts

Thursday, March 18, 2004

dude where my car?

arrggg, its one of those days again. i am waiting and walking to the freezer twice to retrieve items one at a time when I could have gotten them all at once. I label my container yet I put the wrong stuff into them. bloody hell I fell like a f****ing zombie today. I must learn to focus. arrrg yet I don't know how to stop myself from making mistakes. it's a bloody waste of time. cost me half a day repeat some of my work sometimes 2 days. bah what I m babbling about I wont even think coherently at the moment......

let's see what is the results tomorrow.

p.s.- to my dear 1st year lab students. STOP calling me SIR!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

My bad habit.

Okay i have a confession to make i m a procrastinator aka a very very lazy person. Dude i have been like that ever since i can ever remember. I remember doin my homework at the very last minute and never finishing them so the next day i wait in anticipation of the rotan. Oh yeah this was primary school. i was very happy that this did not happen during secondary school. yup i get to get away with not doin homework. no rotan woo hoo! The worst that could happen was "lee mana you punya kerja rumah" sometimes they (the teachers) don't even bother. However my grades where okay due to tuition centers and pass year papers (thank god our edu. system was so predictable), no pun intended.

God i only started to break this habit when i was in pre-u that because now my mom and i was in the same school! no. We are not studying together. The result where pretty satisfying for the first time in my god damn life i like studying. i thought i would be doin a business course or something not sciences anymore. After some persuading from my mom i took up science again and enjoying it. Yes even i though i was weird. very.

This habit is beginning to pinch me hard now. First i have no dead line for my work just a time frame. hah they are actually time me an excuse to u know what. So now day a drag myself out of bed everyday just to do something, plan, type proposals etc. Somehow i cant break the habit yet i still delay my work by at least a few hours from as planned time. i ask myself why do i give myself such suffering. The last time i delay i work i nearly cost me a grade (also partly my PCs fault, hey i cant take all the blame).

If i continue doin this this year the results will be disastrous. [details later]

Tuesday, March 09, 2004


great i bloging again doesn't feel as great as when a first started for some reason. Maybe its cause how my holidays are over and i have to focus on my studies again..... Jeez. Well i sorta got what i wanted but not happy just greateful yes greateful, though some people were happy for me (i thank them very much).

Well i just i have to put my travel plans on hold AGAIN bah! Some how i'm not sure what to think. Before this i was so sure i didn't want this and then flip 180, arrggh! please tell me i m not female.

hMMMmM again
Quits my part time job last sunday felt kinda reluctant, i was a nice place to hang around - nice foood... ice cream.....mmmm. As a goin away present i've got egg in my hair and coffee around my face. I think thats my last free meal.. haha. Well truly enjoy working there and i've got some scars to remind me of it. Cheers to all to them. Good luck to my replacement and hope of new boss in kind.

note to self - to blog or not to blog?