Thursday, February 03, 2005


An old classmate from my primary called up on Monday and decided that we should have a drink together with some old classmates. Here the thing I found strange, he still has my number after 13 years of no contact.

So there were 5 of us sitting at Starbucks at Times Square having a conversation amidst the rumbling of renovation going that night.

Here the thing, we haven’t met for 13 years, we weren’t in the same clique so I curious; what's there to talk about? During my days in primary school I have to few close friend but lost touch over the years.

So we and began cheerfully with the ‘how are-yous’ and ‘long time you see’. It was down hill from there. The conversation deteriorated into the use-to-be-bad-boy-of-class self promotion of his life and the ups and downs as a salesman of anything to do with eyewear.

Here I thinking at least by the end to the night we would at least know what went on after our lives after primary school, reminisce about the good old days. But the truth is I can’t remember much about those days. I have long forgotten and the only memories I have are a few photographs. Except the few good and embarrassing moments, those you can’t really forget even if you tried.

So I am thinking what the point, we have nothing in common and yet I went. I went hoping we could find that we still had some common other than being in the same class together. Turns out we don’t have then and we still don’t have it now. At the end of the night I wonder how many meaningless friendships and award conversation do I really need. C’mon then let not waste any of our precious time, not even for old times sake.

Well some good did come out of it. Now I know who to call to get a discount for my new pair of spectacles when I need one.