Friday, July 01, 2005

Pheee ...ew ew ew ew!

Ooo.... look who just drop in! Thanks to those who still drop in once in a while. I still get about 4 visits a days for not doing anything. Thanks people! (you have way... to much free time)

It's true when you are working life the flashes by, april was hazy, may was busy, june.. shity or 'sithy' if ya get my drift.

Hmm what in store for July... well i have plan lots of running. I think I want to run my 1st marathon next Feb. Why? Well its something that’s been nagging at the back of my mind and I'm unemployed or as one of my friends put it I'm a budding architect. Now I have way... to much free time. So more postings for all of you to read, if it's worth reading that is...

Note to self: Stick with it you idiot!