Sunday, March 28, 2004

yup I just as I guess it, I knew it would happen. I foresee it even before it started. (focus focus)

where to go from here

Just an update. My experiments ended in failure when other previously have succeeded. It's simple preparation work yet its giving me a headed. who would thought I would have trouble with sometime that is not even catagorised as living and its sole purpose in life (if it even has one) is to replicate. BUT ITS NOT. Venting my fustrations on this page is not going to help so on to a happier note.

errr errr. there jeez happy times are hard to come by arent they? come on happy thought happy thought..... arrr went to see a movie but not the one I wanted to see but was still okay. found the popcorn too sweet for my liking (damn my so negative). had ramli burgers 3 days in a row well they were very tempting. oh I cant help it if its right on the path to the bus stop huh.

great I have no idea where this is goin. to be honest I have something to say but I m wondering should I put it down on this page. I just realise would I ever be the same again well I feel the same but I little empty inside right now. hollow feeling. yet its not depressing I cant quite describe it. Sometimes even glad, weird huh. maybe next time i'll have the gut to put it into words.

happy thoughts happy thoughts